Title Type Date
AGES - farm data & long term research sites
research sites, till 0.9 m (for Nmin); famers, top soil (arable land); top and sub-soil (vine yards) at AGES research sites, data is collected after a certain time span (e.g. investigating fertilization measures); farm data, farmers may send soil......
dataset 2024/09/13
BORIS - Soil Information System
top soil/sub soil/whole profile..all is done, depending on the campaign and needed methods; Beside the soil surveys in Austria in some areas permanent observation plots are measured every 10 or 15 years (soil inventory); depth intervals, fixed soil......
dataset 2024/09/13
Invekos - Agricultural Data
no sampling is done; the Invekos-Data can be combined e.g. with DataSource 3;...
dataset 2024/09/13
Österreichische Bodenschätzung - Austrian Soil Condition Survey
top soil and subsoil; there are soil reference sites/soil profiles;...
dataset 2024/09/13
BAW - specialized project data & long term research
sampling intervals, depending on the project; sampling depth, single sampling sites till 1m, at monitoring sites till 1.5m or 2m depth frequency of data collection, single survey and monitoring, both is done depending on the individual project requirements;...
dataset 2024/09/13
IfÖL - long term research site
top soil and sub soil; most parameters measured only till 30 cm depth; mineral nitrogen measured till 90 cm depth; continuous soil water measured in 10, 20, 30 and 50 cm; 0-30cm, 30-60cm, 60-90cm; sampling strategies applied; regular, random, purposive;...
dataset 2024/09/13
eBOD - Digital Soil Map of Austria
depth of sampling, depends on number, depth and thickness of genetic horizons and soil depth, generally 1 m...
dataset 2024/09/13
Gevoeligheid voor grondverschuivingen
De gevoeligheidskaart voor grondverschuivingen geeft een eerste indicatie van de gevoeligheid voor grondverschuivingen op zeer lokaal niveau in een studiegebied gelegen ten westen van Brussel, in het zuiden van de provincies West-Vlaanderen,......
dataset 2024/09/13
Potentiële bodemerosiekaart per perceel (2020)
De potentiële bodemerosiekaart per perceel (2020) geeft aan de hand van een klasse-indeling de totale potentiële erosie van een bepaald landbouwperceel weer. De totale potentiële erosie houdt geen rekening met het huidige landgebruik (grasland of......
dataset 2024/09/13
Gekarteerde grondverschuivingen
De kaart bevat een zo volledig mogelijke inventaris van in het landschap waarneembare grondverschuivingen in een studiegebied gelegen ten westen van Brussel, in het zuiden van de provincies West-Vlaanderen, Oost-Vlaanderen en Vlaams-Brabant. Het......
dataset 2024/09/13
Kleinschalige erosiebestrijdingswerken
De kaart met kleinschalige erosiebestrijdingswerken bevat de erosiebestrijdingswerken die gerealiseerd zijn of op korte termijn zullen gerealiseerd worden door (lokale) overheden. Deze datalaag omvat zowel de gemeentelijke erosiebestrijdingswerken die......
dataset 2024/09/13
Bodemafdekkingskaart 2015 (BAK), 5 m resolutie (Soil sealing rate)
dataset 2024/09/13
Een bodemlocatie is ofwel een profielput of een boring. Een boring is altijd één puntlocatie (x,y,z) en een profielput heeft minimum één en maximum twee puntlocaties (begin- en eindpunt van de profielput). Een profielput is een uitgegraven put in de......
dataset 2024/09/13
WRB Reference Soil Groups 250k: Bodemkaart van het Vlaamse Gewest volgens het internationale...
Voor het Vlaamse Gewest werd de Belgische bodemkaart omgezet naar WRB-2014, de 3de editie van het internationaal bodemclassificatiesysteem World Reference Base. Het resultaat ziet u in de kaartlaag ‘WRB Soil Units 40k: Bodemkaart van het Vlaamse......
dataset 2024/09/13
Aardewerk database
Whole profile by soil horizons...
dataset 2024/09/13
Bodemassociatiekaart (1:500.000)
dataset 2024/09/13
Carbiosol map
Top soil measurement...
dataset 2024/09/13
Estimation of amount of fertilizer (mineral fertilizer/animal manure) yearly applied to each agricultural parcel in Flanders
Estimation based on the availability of manure on a farm, crop types and maximum allowed by manure decree (Nitrates Directive)...
dataset 2024/09/13
Landbouwgebruikspercelen (Land parcel identification)
Based on input by farmers but checks with remote sensing...
dataset 2024/09/13
WRB Soil units 40k
dataset 2024/09/13
Digital Map of Walloon Soils
Whole profile by soil horizons...
dataset 2024/09/13
Groeicurve per perceel / growth curve per field parcel (based on NDVI)
dataset 2024/09/13
REQUASUD database
Whole profile by fixed depths intervals Montiroring,variable periodicity. Depth intervals,0-30 cm; 30-60 cm and 60-90 cm....
dataset 2024/09/13
Digitale bodemkaart van het Vlaams Gewest: bodemtypes
https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/page/bodemkaarten Digitale vectoriële dataset van de analoge Bodemkaart van België voor het grondgebied van Vlaanderen. Alle kaartelementen van de analoge kaarten (gepubliceerd op kaartschaal 1: 20 000) zijn zorgvuldig......
dataset 2024/09/13
Soil Organic Carbon Stock Maps for Belgium: mean (40 m grid)
The Belgian soil organic carbon (SOC) stock map for topsoils (0-30 cm) at the resolution of 40m x 40m was composed of 2 regional SOC stock maps. For the regional maps a different approach was used for agricultural land as compared to forest. The maps......
dataset 2024/09/13
Bonitované půdně ekologické jednotky (Evaluated Soil Ecological units)
borehole description BPEJ is identified as five-place code. It gives an information not only about the soil itself (main charakteristics and classification), but also about the basic stand characteristics like slope, exposition and climatic conditions....
dataset 2024/09/13
Land Registry LPIS (Land Parcel Identification System) - AZZP
topsoil and subsoil...
dataset 2024/09/13
Danish Digital Soil Maps
Digital soil maps produced at national level for Denmark, based on legacy soil data. Compiled from several studies. GSM intervals, however, intervals at 0 - 30 cm have been merged to one. Uncertainty estimates available for some properties.......
dataset 2024/09/13
Basal soil monitoring - basic
Arable land samples are taken from topsoil (according to the thickness of the horizon, maximum up to 25 cm) and subsoil (35–60 cm), in orchards and vineyards also from two horizons (0–30 cm, 30–60 cm), on hop fields from topsoil (10–40 cm) and subsoil......
dataset 2024/09/13
Komplexní průzkum půd (Systematic Soil Survey)
profile sampling points and polygon maps available, inluding map of texture classes and parent material (all in 1:10.000)...
dataset 2024/09/13
Register of contaminated areas
1 composite sample = 30 incremental samples, arable land 1 sample / 7-10ha, hopgardens and orchards 1 sample / 3ha, vineyards 1 sample / 2ha; sampling is not repeated 50148 points/samples - risk elements are analysed in 2M HNO3; 16400 points/sample -......
dataset 2024/09/13
Danish Farmers' Refistrations
Danish farmers' crop registrations at field level for the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union. Polygons and crop data provided by farmers. No soil observations, only land use....
dataset 2024/09/13
Danish Soil Classification Data Base
Each point is a bulk sample of 25 - 30 subsamples collected at evenly spaced intervals within a 5000 m^2 area with a 15 mm auger. Sampling intervals,0 - 20 cm depth; 20 - 40 cm (exceptionally), 35 - 55 cm (rarely)...
dataset 2024/09/13
Large-scale soil map of Estonia
soil type, soil texture, slope, peat/humus horizon thickness, stoniness and coarse fragments, contours of different soil species Reference year,1997-2001 compilation of a digital database and a digital soil map depth intervals,depth by soil texture classes...
dataset 2024/09/13
Riiklik mullaseire keskkonnaseire andmete kogumise ja avalikustamise infosüsteemis KESE (National soil monitoring in...
description of soil profile (deep soil pit)/soil sampling/transect method/different sampling depth (bulk density/humus horizon thickness, genetic horizons)/with additional soil measurement (% of moisture content) In WP2 T4.2 the database is named......
dataset 2024/09/13
The Agricultural Registers and Information Boards register of land use structure by land parcels
dataset 2024/09/13
Eesti põllumuldade agrokeemiliste näitajate digitaalne andmekogu (Digital database of agrochemical parameters of...
bulk samples only depth intervals,soil samples taken from topsoil at (cultivation depth) 0-20 cm...
dataset 2024/09/13
Regular monitoring of arable soils (I period)
description of soil profile (deep soil pit)/soil sampling/transect method/different sampling depth (bulk density/humus horizon thickness, genetic horizons)...
dataset 2024/09/13
Soil erosion in Estonia modelled by use of USLE
Modelled data based on soil map (1:10. 000, data source Soil_map described above), literature based soil profiles and properties and unpublished field sampling data Irregular temporal resolution...
dataset 2024/09/13
Carte du nom de sol dominant en WRB issue de la Base de Données Géographique des Sols de France
expertise thematic map from BDGSF...
dataset 2024/09/13
French Soil Monitoring Network ( Réseau de Mesures de la Qualité des Sols en français)
stratified random sampling device (20m by 20m) at 2 layers ( 3 layers if possible for holorganic layer) plus soil profile description and soil profile samples, bulk samples...
dataset 2024/09/13
Soil Management and Conservation Inventory
dataset 2024/09/13
Base de Données Géographique des Sols de France à 1/1 000 000 version, 10/09/1998
The Soil Geographical Data Base of France at Scale 1:1,000,000 is part of the European Soil Geographical Data Base of Europe. It is the resulting product of a collaborative project involving all the European Union and neighbouring countries. It is a......
dataset 2024/09/13
Statistiques spatio-temporelles sur les propriétés agronomiques des sols agricoles en France issues de la Base de...
In France, farmers commission about 250,000 soil-testing analyses per year to assist them managing soil fertility. The number and diversity of origin of the samples make these analyses an interesting and original information source regarding......
dataset 2024/09/13
GlobalSoilMap France
soil profiles, different sampling depth Detailled assessment of the uncertainty...
dataset 2024/09/13
Soil test database
bluk samples only, soil test sampling strategy eg farmer's decision top soil...
dataset 2024/09/13
Carte de la Réserve Utile en eau issue de la Base de Données Géographique des Sols de France
Cette carte donne la classe de réserve utile en eau dominante par Unité Cartographique de Sol de la Base de Données Géographique des Sols de France à 1/1 000 000....
dataset 2024/09/13
Spatial predictions of total and extractable trace elements topsoil content in France
This dataset provides statistical predictions of total content of 8 trace elements in topsoil. The predictions are based on the data collected within the French soil monitoring network. Robust geostatistical techniques are applied to produce these......
dataset 2024/09/13
General Geological Map of the Federal Republic of Germany
dataset 2024/09/13
Soil map by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in cooperation with the National...
Conventional soil mapping...
dataset 2024/09/13
Showing 50 of 577 results.