AGES - farm data & long term research sites |
dataset |
BORIS - Soil Information System |
dataset |
Invekos - Agricultural Data |
dataset |
Österreichische Bodenschätzung - Austrian Soil Condition Survey |
dataset |
BAW - specialized project data & long term research |
dataset |
IfÖL - long term research site |
dataset |
eBOD - Digital Soil Map of Austria |
dataset |
Gevoeligheid voor grondverschuivingen |
dataset |
Potentiële bodemerosiekaart per perceel (2020) |
dataset |
Gekarteerde grondverschuivingen |
dataset |
Kleinschalige erosiebestrijdingswerken |
dataset |
Bodemafdekkingskaart 2015 (BAK), 5 m resolutie (Soil sealing rate) |
dataset |
Bodemlocaties |
dataset |
WRB Reference Soil Groups 250k: Bodemkaart van het Vlaamse Gewest volgens het internationale bodemclassificatiesysteem World Reference Base op schaal 1:250.000 |
dataset |
Aardewerk database |
dataset |
Bodemassociatiekaart (1:500.000) |
dataset |
Carbiosol map |
dataset |
Estimation of amount of fertilizer (mineral fertilizer/animal manure) yearly applied to each agricultural parcel in Flanders |
dataset |
Landbouwgebruikspercelen (Land parcel identification) |
dataset |
WRB Soil units 40k |
dataset |
Digital Map of Walloon Soils |
dataset |
Groeicurve per perceel / growth curve per field parcel (based on NDVI) |
dataset |
REQUASUD database |
dataset |
Digitale bodemkaart van het Vlaams Gewest: bodemtypes |
dataset |
Soil Organic Carbon Stock Maps for Belgium: mean (40 m grid) |
dataset |
Bonitované půdně ekologické jednotky (Evaluated Soil Ecological units) |
dataset |
Land Registry LPIS (Land Parcel Identification System) - AZZP |
dataset |
Danish Digital Soil Maps |
dataset |
Basal soil monitoring - basic |
dataset |
Komplexní průzkum půd (Systematic Soil Survey) |
dataset |
Register of contaminated areas |
dataset |
Danish Farmers' Refistrations |
dataset |
Danish Soil Classification Data Base |
dataset |
Large-scale soil map of Estonia |
dataset |
Riiklik mullaseire keskkonnaseire andmete kogumise ja avalikustamise infosüsteemis KESE (National soil monitoring in environmental monitoring data collection and disclosure information system KESE) |
dataset |
The Agricultural Registers and Information Boards register of land use structure by land parcels |
dataset |
Eesti põllumuldade agrokeemiliste näitajate digitaalne andmekogu (Digital database of agrochemical parameters of Estoanian agricultural soils) |
dataset |
Regular monitoring of arable soils (I period) |
dataset |
Soil erosion in Estonia modelled by use of USLE |
dataset |
Carte du nom de sol dominant en WRB issue de la Base de Données Géographique des Sols de France |
dataset |
French Soil Monitoring Network ( Réseau de Mesures de la Qualité des Sols en français) |
dataset |
Soil Management and Conservation Inventory |
dataset |
Base de Données Géographique des Sols de France à 1/1 000 000 version, 10/09/1998 |
dataset |
Statistiques spatio-temporelles sur les propriétés agronomiques des sols agricoles en France issues de la Base de Données d'Analyses de Terre (BDAT) |
dataset |
GlobalSoilMap France |
dataset |
Soil test database |
dataset |
Carte de la Réserve Utile en eau issue de la Base de Données Géographique des Sols de France |
dataset |
Spatial predictions of total and extractable trace elements topsoil content in France |
dataset |
General Geological Map of the Federal Republic of Germany |
dataset |
Soil map by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in cooperation with the National Geological Surveys (SGD) of the federal states |
dataset |