Title Type
Hungarian Identification System of Agricultural Parcels dataset
Landwirtschaftszählung/ Agrarstrukturerhebung dataset
Various interpolated grids characterizing weather and climate in Germany dataset
Farmer Diary Program on the Web (Webes Gazdálkodási Napló Program) dataset
Hungarian Soil Information and Monitoring System dataset
Nitrate database dataset
Soil Quality Assessment Research Project dataset
CREA AA Italian historical wheater series dataset
Geological map of Italy by Compagnoni et al., 1983 dataset
Irish Soil Information System dataset
Tellus Geophyical and Geochemical Survey dataset
Elaboration of the Italian portion of the Global Soil Organic Carbon Map (GSOC map). dataset
Rete di Informazione Contabile Agricola (Farms Agronomical Mangement database) dataset
Several dataset
Amelioration cadastre information system dataset
Digital soil database ( soil profiles) dataset
Geochemical Atlas of Latvia dataset
Spectral soil library (vis-NIR-MIR) dataset
Database on the monitoring of mineral nitrogen in soils of the SISMAP dataset
Digital soil database (soil polygons ) dataset
LV LUCAS Topsoil 2009 data dataset
National forest inventory dataset
The long-term field trials in State Priekuļi Plant Breeding Institute dataset
The long-term field trials in the Institute of Horticulture dataset
The long-term field trials “Sidrabiņi” dataset
Universiy of Latvia fieldwork station dataset
Soil agrochemical research database of the State Information System for Monitoring of Agricultural Plants (SISMAP) dataset
The long-term field trials in State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute dataset
The long-term field trials “Pēterlauki” dataset
The long-term field trials “Vecauce” dataset
Spatial Information Portal of Lithuania dataset
Basisregistratie Ondergrond - Soil map dataset
Bodemfysische eenheden kaart dataset
Geochemische atlas van Nederland dataset
Avalanche and rockslide - rough susceptiblitity zones dataset
Basisregistratie Ondergrond - Borehole research - profile descriptions dataset
Bodemfysische datasets BIS dataset
Carbon Change dataset of the Netherlands dataset
Publiek-Private Samenwerking Beter Bodembeheer - Manure And Compost dataset
Bedrock, 50,000 dataset
Land resource map 1:5.000 dataset
Norwegian soil property database dataset
Norwegian soil survey sample grid 9 x9 km on agricultural land dataset
Digital terrain model 10x10 meters dataset
Land resource map 1:25.000 dataset
Marine limit (ML) indicates the highest level reached by sea after last glaciation 1:50 000 dataset
Norwegian soil survey dataset
Observations and climate data as grid dataset