Basal soil monitoring - basic
National Country Stocktake Czech republic EJP Country survey Dataset
Arable land samples are taken from topsoil (according to the thickness of the horizon, maximum up to 25 cm) and subsoil (35–60 cm), in orchards and vineyards also from two horizons (0–30 cm, 30–60 cm), on hop fields from topsoil (10–40 cm) and subsoil (40–70 cm); for permanent grassland from three layers (0–10 cm, 10–25 cm, 25–40 cm; always after removing the upper sod layer) For organic pollutants only topsoil horizon, for mineral nitrogen - topsoil and subsoil
Ministry of Agriculture Czech Republic
Role: pointOfContact
Country: Czech republic
Created: 1992 till now
Updated: 2022-01-01
Temporal extent: 1992 till now